My Personal Struggle with Menopause and Pelvic Floor Health

Menopause is a natural phase of life that brings about many changes, some of which can catch us off guard. One of the areas that may be affected is the pelvic floor, and as I’ve come to realise, the symptoms of menopause can have a surprising impact on this vital part of our body. Let’s dive into my personal experience with menopause, pelvic floor health, and how I’m finding my way through it all with a mix of science, self-compassion, and effective practices.

My menopause experience was more than I expected

I’ve always been someone who seeks natural solutions first. When I started experiencing symptoms of menopause, I initially blamed stress—whether it was the pandemic, rebuilding life afterwards, or even the emotional rollercoaster of my child heading off to university. I tried cold swimming and plunging, which helped for a while, but didn’t fully resolve the deeper issues.

claire in Scotland

So, here I am, two months into hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and it’s been a journey. I resisted starting HRT for quite some time. Admitting that I needed it felt like I was somehow “giving in” or not strong enough as a woman. It reminded me of when I had to accept other realities, like getting an epidural, acknowledging separated abdominal muscles, or facing a prolapse. The thoughts that I should be better, stronger, fitter, more resilient, have more willpower and so many more which I imagine you may have experienced too. Why do we often think we need to be stronger, fitter, and more resilient than we already are? This doesn’t make you weak, this will help you take back control of your body and your life.

It’s only now that I’m realising how wrong that mindset was. If I’d heard another woman say she needed HRT, I’d have reassured her that it’s just about getting what your body needs. I never judge others—only myself. But now, I’m starting to feel the clarity and strength returning, and best of all, I’m finally sleeping better. And we all know that a good night’s sleep makes everything easier! 😴

“I never judge others—only myself. But now, I’m starting to feel the clarity and strength returning.”

The menopause and pelvic floor health connection

Here comes the elephant in the room: my menopausal pelvic floor. I’ve always been open about my prolapse journey, sharing how I restored it naturally and lived symptom-free for years. But, as with all stories, there’s a twist—menopause.

The final physical straw that really broke the camel’s back was when one day I felt that familiar hint of my prolapse. I hadn’t done anything differently except perhaps gain a few pounds around my middle. And there it was, that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. How could I be here again? How could this be happening to me!? The answer, of course, is menopause.

Even though I teach about pelvic health and support women through this exact experience, when it happened to me, it was hard to accept. We often think it shouldn’t happen to me. But menopause has its own plans.

menopause and pelvic floor health can be helped with cold swimming

“We often think, it shouldn’t happen to me. But menopause has its own plans.”

Finding the tools and grace to move forward

The happy ending here is that I had the tools at my fingertips. I jumped straight back into my own programme, reminded myself of the techniques I’d been taught, and got back on track with regular internal massage and increased pelvic health practice, both morning and night. It was a quicker path to acceptance this time because I’ve walked this road before—alongside many other women. I’ve supported them through it, so I knew I could support myself too.

With the benefits of HRT and renewed dedication to my pelvic health practice, I’m feeling stronger and more vibrant. The truth is, these tools are for life, not just for menopause.

Hope for the future

At 45, I’m feeling fantastic. This summer, I was able to join in all the games and activities my boys invited me to—whether it was football or tennis. There is so much hope for the future when you invest in your own health and embrace the changes of life with compassion and strength.

“With the benefits of HRT and my renewed dedication to pelvic health, I’m reminded that these tools are for life, not just menopause.”

There is HOPE!

Claire x

Are you looking for HOPE for your menopause and pelvic health? Try my Whole Body Pelvic Health membership FREE for 7 days!

“Once I did the first session I instantly knew this was right for me. It was pitched at the right level and I love the short sessions because I can fit it around my family.” – Lisa, Whole Body Pelvic Health Member