Elevate Your Career: Join the 2024 Teacher Mentorship for Transformative Growth

The first step in restoring the health & function of your pelvic floor is rebalancing your breathing.

Elevate Your Career: Join the 2024 Teacher Mentorship for Transformative Growth

You may not have spotted yet that my Whole Body Pelvic Health Teacher Mentorship starts this Friday! I wanted to make sure you had the details because there are only two spots left and it currently only runs every two years, so if you were thinking about it, I don’t want you to miss out.

Anyway, here is the information you need to know.

Are you a Pilates teacher ready to step up and help the 90% of your female clients with birth injuries and 50% with incontinence symptoms? 

      • Have you found some exercises make client symptoms worse?

      • Are you unsure what exercises to use with pelvic health conditions?

      • Do you have questions and are not sure who to ask?

    I know how much time you commit to your ongoing education and serving your clients with the most up to date knowledge and skills you can find.

    I also know you want an education in an accessible format that is not abstract but case-study-based, and you need it in a way you can fit it around your busy teaching schedule.

    My online Whole Body Pelvic Health Teacher Mentorship allows you to fit in your education without leaving your home, making it affordable and achievable, and we will use your clients to apply your learning in real time. 

    I also know you need to do class and take time out for your own self-care, which is why I created my teacher mentorship to include classes for you too.

    My teacher mentorship will provide you with the tools you need to work with women who are experiencing common pelvic health conditions. 

    The mentorship is for apparatus trained teachers with a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience trained by any school.

    Helen’s Experience

    “I can’t help but look through a different lens now I know Claire’s WBPH approach. When I’m working with clients in the Pilates station studio, I can see how applying Claire’s concepts and methods to my Pilates knowledge is so impactful in creating new strategies and lasting change. 

    I feel confident about applying her WBPH methods and am able to explain clearly why to our clients. It has made such a difference to their understanding of why what they’ve tried before hasn’t worked. 

    WBPH has given them new hope. 

    They’re confident that what we’re doing in the studio is going to make a difference that is lasting and life-changing. If you are a lifetime curious teacher then this knowledge is something that you must explore.” 

    Helen Wragg

    Six months of rigorous education and mentoring will not only give you confidence working with women suffering from Pelvic Health conditions, it will also translate into all of your teaching.

    • During your mentorship, you will be part of an online community to support your progress and answer your questions.
    • Graduates who complete their case studies can join my affiliate and referral scheme.
    • All components are online. A combination of live and pre-recorded lectures and classes. You also receive a 1-2-1 tutorial online.
    • Understand the common conditions and how they impact women’s lives and how to assess them and teach Pilates in a way that can truly help.

    We will meet online twice per month to cover the following modules: (recordings available).

    Module 1 – What is Whole Body Pelvic Health 

    Module 2 – Pelvic Health Dysfunctions explained 

    Module 3 – Pelvic Floor muscles & beyond. Anatomy, fascia & biotensegrity 

    Module 4 – Six P’s of Whole Body Pelvic Health

    Module 5 – Common compensations & how to spot them 

    Module 6 – Assessment. Breathing, Posture & ROM

    Module 7 – WBPH Concepts & planning, case study examples 

    Module 8 – Pre Pilates Mat Classes

    Module 9 – Case Study. Bring your case studies to discuss & approve & Teacher Mentorship affiliate program explained  

    Module 10 Exercises & adaptations 

    Module 11 – Exercises & adapatations

    Module 12 – Review & Graduation


    When is it?

    26th Jan 4.30pm – 6:00pm

    5th Feb 4:00pm – 5:00pm

    19th Feb 4:00pm – 5:00pm

    1st March 4.30pm – 6:00pm

    4th March 4:00pm – 5:00pm

    15th March 4.30pm – 6:00pm

    19th April 4.30pm – 6:00pm (TBC)

    22nd April 4:00pm – 5:00pm (TBC)

    10th May 4.30pm – 6:00pm

    20th May 4:00pm – 5:00pm

    14th June 4.30pm – 6:00pm

    24th June 4:00pm – 5:00pm

    Graduation TBC (edited) 

    What if I can’t join live?

    All the sessions are recorded and added to our online portal of resources

    How do access the online lectures?

    Once you have been accepted and joined you will receive login details for the online portal where you will find all the Whole Body Pelvic Health Teachers lectures, classes and bonuses.

    How long do I have access to online lectures and recordings?

    You have access to lectures and recordings for 12 months. If you continue to become a master teacher and affiliate for WBPH you will have lifetime access to existing and additional resources.

    What if I am only mat-trained?

    If you are an experienced teacher in mat and small equipment you will still be considered for the mentorship on a case-by-case basis to be sure that you will get what you need from the mentorship. So please still apply.

    When do I pay?

    When you are accepted and join you will set up monthly payments or pay in full in advance through the portal on my website.

    How do I become an affiliate?

    Everyone who submits their case study 8 – 10 weeks after the end of the mentorship is eligible to become an affiliate and have ongoing support from Claire.

    How much does it cost?

    Six payments of £160 per month or £900 in advance.